Hey there, I’m Michelle!

Champion of Ideas That Matter and Proud Book Nerd

Think of me as your Thought Partner and Book Producer.

I specialize in transforming your pillar content into a compelling, coherent book. My role is to distill the essence of your body of work—your unique frameworks, engaging stories, and valuable lessons—into a written format that extends your influence.

As your Thought Partner, I'll dive deep into your content archive, identifying key themes, standout insights, and the core messages that define your brand. We'll collaborate to refine your ideas and structure them in a way that translates effectively to a book. I'm not here to ghostwrite new content, but rather to curate and organize the brilliance you've already shared with your audience.

In my role as Book Producer, I'll then shepherd this curated content through the entire book creation process. This involves structuring your insights into a cohesive narrative, managing the editing and design process, and overseeing production to ensure the final product authentically represents your voice and expertise. I'll handle all the logistical aspects, from timeline management to coordinating with editors and designers, allowing you to remain focused on the work only you can do.

The Result?

A book that serves as a powerful asset for your business and brand, providing your audience with a tangible, in-depth exploration of your ideas.

It's an opportunity to reach new readers, solidify your authority in your field, and create a lasting legacy from the valuable content you've already produced. By partnering with me, you're not starting from scratch—you're leveraging your existing body of work to create a powerful new asset for your brand and your audience.

How I Got Here

During the nearly fifteen years I spent building 8-figure businesses from the ground up in the luxury fine wine industry, I wrote books—fiction and nonfiction—on the side as a creative outlet. 

But as a lifelong questioner, I was never quite satisfied with the status quo of popular writing methods, the publishing process, or traditional book marketing advice. So I began a decade-long intensive study into the way books are built, published, and marketed. 

That study turned into a Master of Fine Arts in writing, a book coaching certification, and the formal study of over 250 nonfiction books.

Fast forward and I’ve now supported dozens of authors across all stages of their authorship journey with my simple, strategic, and structured approach. I think about books differently than most and am driven by a desire to illuminate and inform the process of bringing a book into the world. 

My authors have landed traditional publishing deals, corporate sponsorships, TEDx stages, and dream clients. They’ve also created impact and are proud to be leading their intellectual legacy.

Recent Projects

Let’s Connect

I love working with smart and interesting people from all walks of life.

If you have an idea for a collaboration, want to dive deep on a podcast, or hire me to speak to your audience or community, then let's chat.

Click below to contact me directly.